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Food Service

Welcome To The Little Falls City School District Food Service Department

Our Goal Is To Provide Our Students With The Nourishment They Need To Feed Their Minds and Bodies And Encourage Healthy Eating Habits.

This School Year, All Students can receive Breakfast and Lunch at NO CHARGE to families.  A student can purchase a second meal and A La Carte items are available to purchase in the Middle/High School.

  • 2nd BREAKFAST PRICE: All Schools $2.00
  • 2nd LUNCH PRICE: All Schools $3.00

For those who wish to put money on their students accounts for 2nd meals and A La Carte items MY SCHOOLBUCKS can be used or cash or check made payable to Little Falls School District. MEMO- Lunch Account 

Pay online. You can pay for your child’s account online by clicking on the MY SCHOOLBUCKS link. Here you can open up an account for you student(s) by using a major credit card. You will need your student’s ID number to set up this account. You will be able to put money on their account and monitor what your child has purchased. Its fast and easy! 

Please feel free to call our office at any time with any concerns or questions. Our number is 823-1400 option 4

Stephanie Johnson, Food Service Director


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